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Pastors Heart – In a time like this

My heart, head, and knees bow to the Word of the Lord; His Word to us is the only safeguard we have today. We must be able to hear Him and receive what He is saying.  However, sometimes, He speaks in parables. We must pray for understanding of the times we are in, and know what to do, as the men of Issachar did. Jacob prophesied, “Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between two burdens.

He saw that rest was good and that the land was pleasant; he bowed his shoulder to bear a burden.”  Donkeys are not very big animals, but they are strong and can carry much weight. Some may consider us small, but we are strong with the Might of our God.  Like the donkey, we bow down between two burdens. But like the donkey, we find our rest in God, and the place where He has put us is very pleasant.


We are bowing our shoulders to do the will of our God, here in this place. And we will see His mighty hand of power move for us in every situation or burden we may encounter.  Together we can accomplish anything, no burden is too big, or too heavy, and with the help and strength of our God, we cannot lift and carry.


We want this understanding of the times, but we want to be able to bear the burden of ministry as well. I believe we are about to see the greatest answers to prayer ever.  He has heard our cry, and He sees the turning of our hearts, and He has come down to deliver us—Glory to God!

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